
Northern Breed Dogs

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Available Dogs

View dogs with Moonsong looking for a home.

Northern Breed Dogs in Shelters

We sometimes cross list dogs in shelters or owner's home as a courtesy to the owners wishing to re-home them.

Happy Tails

View some of our happily adopted dogs!

Forever Fosters

Moonsong's Forever Fosters are special needs dogs, who, due to medical problems, age, or behavioral issues will never be adopted. These sweet but imperfect pups will live out their lives in foster care with Moonsong volunteers.

Gone But Not Forgotten

These are Moonsong's foster dogs that left us before they found their 'Happily Ever After' homes. However, they had happy homes with their foster parents while they were in foster care. Many thanks to our wonderful foster homes who often will foster some of our rescues for years. May all these pooches be romping free and without pain over the rainbow in the Happy Hunting Grounds!

Can you


Please consider donating to help our homeless Dogs in need. We are a volunteer organization, and are only able to continue our efforts with your support. Your donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your consideration!